
Hello, my name is Sam and I love tea. I started teabusters.com knowing that many others love tea as well. I also wanted to learn about and experience new and different teas. So if you have any, please share your tea ideas and tips.

Tea has been a part of my food culture since I can remember. To embellish a little, I like to relate a tiny narrative. I like to tell people that in our household, if there was an emergency and an ambulance had to be called, my father would say, “Wait, let me boil the kettle first!” This was not true of course, but it was not far from it.

Not many years ago, I was drinking too much tea. Let me rephrase that. I was drinking too much of the wrong tea. To further explain, I was having some belly issues and I started a food log. What I found was the type of tea I was drinking was ,an irritant to my digestive system.

So, my partner and I began banging our heads together and came up with a plan. The first was to create teabusters.com. And, since we were already growing herbs and edible flowers in the garden for use in the kitchen, we began using these blends as a tea. Of course, it isn’t a true tea, but what some might call a tisane. So began our journey.

Each spring we would learn more about edible flowers and expand our herb knowledge. This knowledge found its way to the garden. Today our garden is filled with flowers and herbs that we harvest and keep harvesting! We dry it all and use different blends for cooking and “teas”.

And then there was honey. It is my favorite addition to a hot cuppa. We have been searching for bee keepers in our area and have been lucky enough to find a few. One of our suppliers has been kind enough to offer his services to help us build our own hives!

We can’t wait.